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- This website ‘paulthe poet.com’ will undertake to supply you with the physical books that you pay for.
- You will receive an email confirmation that your order and payment have been received.
- The expected delivery times for each region (UK, EU and the Rest of the World) are given on the ‘Shop’ page of the paulthe poet.com website. These delivery times are not guaranteed. If the goods have not arrived within the stated time, it is your responsibility to contact this website through its ‘Contact’ page. When we receive your notification, you will be given the reason for delay and a new expected time of delivery. Or, if we are not aware of a cause for non-delivery, you will be asked to wait a further ten days for the goods. This should allow for any transit problems that we are unaware of to be resolved or, at least, discovered, so that we can update you and, if necessary, make amends. Amends will be undertaken if the goods have not been received after the additonal ten days have passed. Amendments undertaken could be the re-shipping of the goods or the refunding of the money that you paid to us when you ordered the goods.
- If the goods have not arrived in good condition, it is your responsibility to contact this website through its ‘Contact’ page. When we receive your notification, we will investigate the situation and, if necessary make amends. This could be by re-shipping the goods or refunding the money that you paid to us when you ordered the goods.
- If you sent us an email regarding the condition or non-arrival of goods and we did not respond to you by email within 48 hours, you should assume that we did not receive your message. In that case, you will be expected to resend your email message. This process is recommended in the reasonable expectation that any glitch in internet and computer systems are spotted and dealt with within 48 hours.
- An overriding factor regarding the above points 3, 4 and 5, is the possibility of lack of supply due to unexpectedly high demand, printer’s error, or other factors. If any of these factors apply at the time that you order the goods, you will be notified of the situation within 48 hours and a new expected time of delivery given. If this expected time is not acceptable, we will refund you the money that you paid when you ordered the goods.
- English law will be used in all cases of disagreement.
- The above terms and conditions shall not override your rights within the law.
Thank you for taking the time to read these terms and conditions.